Melt Down IPA

Meltdown IPA

I like beer. I guess what I should say is I love IPA. In the past few years I have grown to really appreciate the sometimes jolting taste of a high quality IPA. Saying that, I am not a beer expert by any strech of the imagination. I am just a rock climber who happens to love IPAs. Now that I live in Japan and IPA’s are hard to find where I live, I have decided to write about them when I come across one. In this case I have come across eight. And first up…..

While I was in Alaska I was able to sample several beers. Some I had before, some I had never heard of. The one that stands out the most is Midnight Suns Melt Down double IPA. Measuring in at 8.0% ABV and 80 IBUs the Midnight Sun is a micro brewery in Anchorage, AK. MS brews several IPAs throughout the year. The Sockeye Red IPA is there non seasonal that was very satisfying, but not to the degree of the Melt Down.

Like I said before, I am no beer expert. But the Melt Down has a very nice balance of sweet and bitter. The selected hops gives a very floral smell to start and a nice pop to your tongue right after you swallow. This beer is not overpowering like some DIPAs can be. But rather pundgent with an aromatic hoppiness that will leave you wanting a second.

Let me know if you have ever had this beer and what you think of the Melt Down. I will be posting a series of on the beers that I have come across in my journeys.

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