Whitewater Pelican Case Test

Out for fun this week I headed to the Mitake Gorge to put my Pelican 1510 camera case to the test.  I met up with a world class white water speed kayaker for a quick shoot on the Tama River.  The test?  Pull the Pelican case behind a kayak in whitewater to test it’s true waterproof capabilities.  Outcome?  Dry.

We clipped the case behind the kayak and Kazo-San took off down some rapids to start the test.  After two or three runs Kazo-San beached his boat and needless to say when we popped the case open everything was completely dry.

Pelican has sure held up their end of the bargain.  I use my 1510 to transport my camera gear all over the world.  On airplanes, taxis and boats.  So far this case has stood up to everything and only shows wear on the outside and even that is only cosmetic.  I can pack almost everything I need for a shoot in the mountains or on the street in this case.  Filters, camera cleaning gear, speedlites, triggers, body and extra lenses, batteries, and memory cards.  I am very pleased with this case and see more cases in my future.  Maybe when I pull the trigger on the Elinchrome or Photoflex kits I will add the 1690 to my transport arsenal.







One Response to “Whitewater Pelican Case Test”

  1. Joe says:

    Nice. I have been thinking of getting a hard case for traveling, and this might have sold me.

    Combine that with this


    and any photographer is ready for the zombie apocalypse.

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