Trail Running Mt Ryugatake

Freelance work has it’s pros and cons, as one would guess.  Add a two year old into the already demanding work load and things can become complicated very quickly.  Luckily for me my son, Gavin, is a wonderful kid and I am able to take him with me on most of my personal shoots.

Recently I was putting some work together for a couple of clients and I decided to take the brood out with me for added adventure.  We drove the 1.5 hour to the mountains around Mt Fuji and prepared for a day of views, shutter snaps and diapers.  The goal was the beautiful Mt Ryugatake just north west of Fuji san.  The hour and a half hike to the summit in near perfect weather was fantastic and allowed for comfortable toddler maneuvering.  Once near the summit a thin layer of clouds filled the sky to the west but luckily passed just north of us.  The clouds passing this way gave us a wonderful softening of the light while not obscuring the dramatic view of Fuji.  Needless to say, the shoot went great and the final product looks fantastic.

Not all shoots or adventures allow me to bring my little guy around, but on the days when I can, I really appreciate having the little bugger around.  Thank you Melissa, Yasmin and Star for your help and patience.  I look forward to working together soon.















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