Family Climbing at Kawamata

Last weekend Team G and Team W teamed up and headed out for an afternoon at the uber popular climbing area Kawamata. Kawamata is home to several classic routes most in the 5.10 to 5.12 range, making this a great destination for our crew. The rock is limestone and somewhat polished, but far better than other areas with easier access. The base of the crag has a very nice flat area to set up, which is always a yard sale in our case, your home base and migrate to the 40 lines that are within a two minute walk.

Here are a few photos from the day. I wound up leaving Star’s climbing shoes in the car. So I was the token hiker for the day making four total trips on the steep 20 minute approach. We ate hot ramen at the base followed by hot coffee. Oh yea, and we climbed. Everything considering our day was fantastic.


Go Climb Something!!!!





















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