Highballs and Whisky

Last week the Walkers, Gavin, and I went up to Mizugaki for what seemed to be our last camping trip before the holidays. The weather forecast was not what I would call great, but it would do for camping. As it turned out the weather was splitter! Perfect.

After setting up camp on our first day, Jensen, Gavin, and I went to the Emperor boulder. Jensen had never been there before so I felt that this was a good introduction to this sector. We warmed up on several of the fun 16 problems that this boulder boasts. I have to say that Jensen climbed very well, sending all of the problems that he attempted. The friction gods were also thinking of me too. I was able to close to books on Boone Speed’s Frequent Flyers V5. I had tried it once before and felt close to sending, so it felt good to send on my first day of this trip.

After a 28 degree night, we headed back out to try our luck on more of what Mizugaki has to offer. I was interested in only climbing problems that I had not seen or tried before. We went to the Night Boulder and set the pads under Mizugaki Lie-back V3/4 highball. Lie-back at first glance looks to be very easy, which is deceiving. The lie back section is not difficult but the sloper finish absolutely calls for you complete attention. After a few falls from the top and some near ankle crushers, we finally positioned the pads correctly and I was able to send. Mizugaki Lie-back is a must climb and I recommend it to everyone of all climbing abilities.

The friction at Mizugaki right now is perfect as I said before. If there are any projects you are hoping to send anytime soon there, now is the time!

Thank you Jensen for the shots of me. Check out Jensen’s work here.



Go Climb Something!!!



























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