Pick Your Pro

The weather was spitting just enough yesterday to keep me worried that it could open up to a full on down pour at any moment.  So I left the pads in the car and only brought the camera gear.  My only real goal was to try and shoot a beautiful picture of some protection that I have accumulated through the years.  In the end I met some very interesting people and snapped a few nice shots.  I hope you enjoy them.

Sorry about my disappearing blog archive.  I have been adding an actual website in which during I have swept away all of my content on my blog.  I backed it all up and still have access to it, but I am still having trouble trying to republish all of it.  So if you are looking for a previous post, hang on a couple more days, it will be back soon.  I hope!

Once this rain lets up I will be getting out more to see if this crossfitting is still helping.  I still have to say that my core feels stronger than ever.  I am also working on a few gear reviews that will be up after a few more tests.  But until then….


Go Climb Something!!!





Pick Your Pro



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